
John Overdurf – Mind Liberating Language


John Overdurf – Mind Liberating Language
Original Price: $845
You Just Pay: 119.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
Author: John Overdurf
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Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87


John Overdurf – Mind Liberating Language
Original Price: $845
You Just Pay: 119.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
Author: John Overdurf
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

A Deep Dive into the World of Rhizomatic Linguistics
This is BY FAR the most comprehensive advanced teaching I’ve done on linguistically oriented therapeutic change – and I’ve done quite of few over the last 30 years or so.
It is packed with information and processes I’ve never taught before.
It’s the best I’ve done to date, no question.
A powerful package for how to create resilient transformation and transcendent experiences, you will not find this advanced material anywhere else in the Hypnosis, NLP and Coaching world.
It is original.
It is unique in content, and uniquely presented!
The program includes five months of TelecoachingU (TCU) Master Classes and Integration Labs (over 15 and a half hours) which will provide you with a rich understanding of how to conversationally use language and Rhizomatic principles to effect potent change in clients and yourself.
These classes contain elements of various linguistic models I’ve created like Beyond Words, Attention-Shifting Coaching, Linguistic Alchemy, and Directionalized Ambiguity, but go much deeper into the world of Rhizomatic Linguistics. This is where Rhizomatic principles are applied to non-linear and inductive linguistics to add amazing richness, complexity, and practical utility, in coaching others and expanding your own consciousness.
They are filled with individual and group demonstrations. Each class is a blend of unique experiential exercises and techniques where you can really develop a more embodied experience of their effect and how they work. You’ll feel more aligned and coherent in your use of these amazing linguistic constructions as result.


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