
Billy Gene – A.I. Crash Course for Marketers


Billy Gene – A.I. Crash Course for Marketers
Original Price: $194
You Just Pay: 69.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
Author: Billy Gene
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Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87


Billy Gene – A.I. Crash Course for Marketers
Original Price: $194
You Just Pay: 69.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
Author: Billy Gene
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

Billy Gene Is Marketing—scratch that, Billy Gene Is A.I. and XR Marketing—has another course to sell you. It’s called his 5 Day AI Course. Is he using fearmongering to cash in on the artificial intelligence craze? Or does he really believe this is a do or die moment for digital marketers? Let’s hear what he has to say, and then decide. So Billy believes artificial intelligence is absolutely gonna put marketers outta business. Unless you’re prepared. Read on.
“It’s smarter than us,” Billy explains. “It’s faster than us. And it’s cheaper than us. And that’s the dangerous part. Most people get ahead financially by either making more money or cutting expenses. And guess what expense they’re excited to cut the most? Me and you. For example, why pay writers when I can ask artificial intelligence to do it for free? Just type what you want, click a button, and in seconds a response will be generated.”
“Or like, why pay for a design when I can ask AI to do it at zero cost?” he continues. “Just type what you need, click a button, and in a flash an image will be created. Why pay someone to code a website when I can ask artificial intelligence to do it without spending a dime? Just type what you want, click a button, and it will be ready in seconds. Why pay a human to act in a video when artificial intelligence can do it at a fraction of the cost? Just type what you want ’em to say, click a button, and your video’s ready in minutes.”
Ditto music production, recording audios, and the list goes on. Billy shows brief examples of each, but they’re laughably bad. Like when he had AI learn his voice and read a few sentences, it sounded mostly like Billy, sure, but with the fluency of a first grader reading Bob Books. If anything, so far Billy’s only convinced me that we’re a long long ways away from ChatGPT or whatever taking all our jobs. On the other hand, I get it. If it’s true that this technology can learn and improve at supersonic speed, maybe I’m wrong.

Billy Shoe Biz


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