
Michael Brian Baker – Experience Breathwork Fundamentals for Opening to Higher Consciousness


Michael Brian Baker – Experience Breathwork Fundamentals for Opening to Higher Consciousness
Original Price: $349
You Just Pay: 99.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
Author: Michael Brian Baker
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Michael Brian Baker – Experience Breathwork Fundamentals for Opening to Higher Consciousness
Original Price: $349
You Just Pay: 99.95$(One Time 90% OFF)
Author: Michael Brian Baker
Sale Page:_
Product Delivery : You will receive a receipt with download link through email.
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Or Skype_Macbus87

What You Get:
Module 1: Unlock the Mysteries of Your Breath for Increased Balance & Awareness (June 5)
As the gateway to your inner world, your breath can connect you to your emotions, thoughts, and spirit. When you become more attuned to the subtle movements and sensations of your body, you begin to understand the interconnectedness of all things. In this way, conscious breathing is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and personal transformation.
In this opening session, you’ll learn an ancient exercise to determine which specific breathing techniques you can use to develop a personalized “path of least resistance” to sustainable, holistic health.
In this module, you’ll:
Unlock the hidden key to properly begin any breathwork practice
Experience Padadirasana (or Breath Balancing Pose) to balance the levels of oxygenation of the left and right hemispheres of your brain
Learn a fresh way to connect with your internal intelligence to help you find inner balance
Discover how to assess your nervous system’s current functionality so you can determine if you’re spending or receiving energy
Give yourself the gift of a simple mindfulness practice and experience the subtle shift into increased awareness
Module 2: Honor the Lunar Feminine for Emotional Wellbeing & Physical Relaxation (June 12)
You may unknowingly be invalidating your own emotions or finding them difficult to regulate in a healthy way. This can result in suppressing or ignoring your feelings, which can lead to a cycle of emotional disconnection and bodily tension.
Suppressed or repressed emotions can create obstacles within the body, resulting in psychological and physical distress.
Fortunately, there are specific breathing techniques that you can use to release trapped trauma and increase oxygen levels, relax muscles, and discharge tension held in your body. These techniques can also help bring your awareness to suppressed emotions and encourage their expression in a safe and controlled way.
You’ll honor the lunar feminine channel, redirecting source energy to the right hemisphere of your brain — which is responsible for creative and receptive thought processes. You’ll begin to release the trauma that may have been held in your body for years, leading to a greater sense of emotional wellbeing and physical relaxation.
In this session, you’ll:
Learn a simple technique that will help you get more done with less effort
Experience Chandra Bhedana (or Moon Piercing Breath) to increase oxygen and vital force to the right hemisphere of your brain
Develop a greater sense of emotional wellbeing and physical relaxation in the present moment
Access greater emotional intelligence as you practice the power of pause… to become less reactive and more proactive
Dissolve anxiety and deepen your ability to cool overactive thought patterns and unhelpful belief systems
Module 3: Practice Mindlessness to Increase Vitality & Overall Wellness (June 26)
The restless nature of the brain is a constant challenge. Often the brain is preoccupied with thoughts and emotions that take us away from the present moment — creating stress and anxiety.
Eastern traditions often focus on mindfulness as a way to address this difficulty. Another way is to focus on pure presence or mindlessness.
Sometimes, mindfulness can inadvertently become another task for the brain to accomplish, leading to self-criticism and further distraction. Mindlessness, however, allows us to be completely present without judgment or expectation — simply existing in the moment — which can help reduce stress and anxiety and increase a sense of inner peace and contentment.
You’ll ignite the active, analyzing, calculating, and formulating left hemisphere of your brain for an extra boost of energy. Through right respiration, you can increase energy and awareness, embrace pure presence, and uplevel your overall wellness.
In this session, you’ll:
Improve your ability to be present without distraction as you discover the importance of clearing your thoughts
Experience Surya Bhedana (or Sun Piercing Breath) to increase oxygen and vital force to the left hemisphere of your brain
Understand how to navigate brainwave activity to support increased focus and concentration
Realize the blessing of neutrality as you gently begin to develop more will power
Learn new ways to determine if you’re leaking energy before you hit burnout, so you can take control of your health through daily self-care routines
Module 4: Balance Your Breathing for Peace & Happiness (July 3)
To experience deep peace and contentment, you must successfully detach from material things. This detachment allows for a shift in perspective and a realization that true happiness doesn’t come from external possessions, but rather inner tranquility. By removing your attachment to the outside world, you can discover a profound sense of inner peace and happiness.
When you turn inward for guidance, you’ll experience deep layers of healing, recognizing and releasing patterns of attachment and craving that may have previously caused suffering. You can align your life with your innermost desires and values, leading to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment and a more authentic expression of your true self.
You’ll ground your personal experience in balance. The subtle will become more clear as your awareness of your resistance to change becomes apparent. While imbalance creates dis-ease, balance equals ease.
Consistent practice of the breathing technique you’ll learn in this session can provide significant relief from asthma, allergies, constipation, acidity, snoring, cardiovascular disorders, and many other physical issues.
In this session, you’ll:
Understand how to improve mental stability and keep anxiety and depression at bay
Experience Anulom Vilom (or Alternate Nostril Breath), which provides equal, measured oxygen flow and vital force to both the right and left hemispheres of the brain
Boost and enhance your mood and develop more focus
Unlock increased energy and get better sleep
Ignite a rejuvenative glow, which can have restorative effects on the body
Module 5: Awaken the Soul Seed Within for Clarity & Joy (July 10)
Om Mani Padme Hum roughly translates to “The jewel is in the lotus.” A lotus begins as a seed stuck deep in the mud at the bottom of a murky pond until it eventually sprouts. It then begins its journey through the dark water to the surface, where it returns to the light and blossoms as a beautiful lotus flower.
Michael uses this as a metaphor for the soul seed, or bija, that resides within us all and awakens as you live a more conscious life.
In this module, you’ll learn how to unearth that awakening. You’ll experience a playful practice that will prime you for a second method of awakening.
You’ll move your focus from balancing — which you experienced in the previous module — to subtle movement through vibration, in a fun and joyful practice.
In this session, you’ll:
Replace negative thoughts with compassion through a personal experience of Anugraha (or grace)
Experience Bhramari (or Bumble Bee Breath) — stimulating your vagus nerve and calming your nervous system
Develop and increase your understanding of clarity and joy to support your own awakening
Direct awareness throughout your body to enhance latent potential
Module 6: Harness the Power of the Sun for Inner Illumination (July 17)
As beings composed of subatomic particles, friction and heat are important to our expansion.
Key respiratory techniques can create gentle and gradual movement within your primo vascular system. The heat that’s generated from these practices begins healing and detoxifying your body. When this process is complete, your sensory organs are replenished and you’re better prepared for spiritual awakening.
You’ll explore a semi-advanced breath exercise to help you regulate your temperature and focus heat toward parts of your body that aid in your spiritual awakening.
In this session, you’ll:
Build immunity, clear brain fog, and increase sustained energy throughout your day
Learn Kapalbhati (or Breath of Fire), which has widespread benefits and a few important contradictions that Michael will detail in class
Enhance digestion and accelerate the uptake of nutrients into your bloodstream
Find calm and clarity as you regulate your nervous system and purify your blood
Reduce excess body fat without strenuous physical activity
Module 7: Ignite Your Nadis to Amplify Your Connection to Source (July 24)
By this time in the course, you’ll have developed a greater understanding of the chemical, physiological, and biological shifts that take place during deep connection with infinite Source Intelligence.
In this final module, you’ll explore the magic of a simple kriya to place you in the seat of your true power and help you merge with All That Is. This is an opportunity to experience a shift like never before.
In this session, you’ll:
Learn Vasi Yogam, Kriya Pranayama, and Vyana Vayu — the sixth method of awakening — using gentle, inner breath that ignites the nadis (or energy channels) and amplifies your vascular system of consciousness
Experience heightened states of perception and dissolve duality to merge with the divine and release suffering
Transmute repressed or suppressed emotional blockages and leave the past behind once and for all
Understand that you have the capacity to experience nirvana, samadhi, and expanded quantum consciousness
The Experience Breathwork Fundamentals for Opening to Higher Consciousness Bonus Offering
In addition to Michael’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Active Breathwork Home Practice Bundle
Three Audio Meditations With Michael Brian Baker
Follow along with these three audio meditations from The Breath Center — designed to support mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual realignment. You can access these meditations whenever you’re grappling with issues like writer’s block, lethargy, lack of confidence, or waning willpower.
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What People Are Saying About Michael Brian Baker…
“Michael Brian Baker changed my life!”
The Breath Center and Michael Brian Baker changed my life! With his broad background of Eastern Vedas and South American ceremony, he gives complete experiential knowledge of the Vyana Vayu Pranayamas. I have studied and been initiated into many spiritual practices and have never had such complete soul awakenings. This breathwork experience is the culmination of a lifetime of devoted practices. I have also noticed deep inner shifts and dropping of negative patterns and habits. I feel amazing and filled with prana. I am so grateful for these techniques and am excited to be able to share them in my healing practice. I cannot say enough about the blessings that Michael has brought into my life.
— Uma Till, bodyworker
“I highly recommend this experience of coming home to the healing powers within, your authentic expression…”
I am so grateful for my experience with The Breath Center, how refreshing it was to experience such a pure and open-hearted offering. It was a beautifully orchestrated experience to facilitate both personal awakening and in how we may share this work with others. I feel invigorated and inspired to continue with this interdisciplinary path blending breath practice with the other paths of awakening. I highly recommend this experience of coming home to the healing powers within, your authentic expression, and being supported by this amazing breath community.
— Viva Dunwoody, Rhythm & Motion
“Training with Michael Brian Baker has had a profound impact on my personal life and the lives of my clients.”
I am forever transformed, filled with gratitude and humility for the depth of the knowledge that has been passed down! Training with Michael Brian Baker has had a profound impact on my personal life and the lives of my clients. I was opened to a myriad of topics explored through the prism of the breath, from classical pranayama to contemporary mysticism and body language. As the modules proceeded, seeds planted previously began to sprout in ways I appreciate more and more each day. In the final levels, a valuable container for the practice, grounded in esoteric origins of humanity and the collective karma we hold revealed the areas which are currently ripe for healing.
— Justin Taylor “Nada Brahmananda,” coding technician, and founder of Nada Brahma Vibrational Arts
Join the Global Community
Experience Breathwork Fundamentals for Opening to Higher Consciousness offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.
Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Michael Brian Baker will share in this powerful training.
You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Michael Brian Baker
Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Michael Brian Baker, founder and CEO of The Breath Center — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to unleash the power of breathwork power to enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health and give access to heightened levels of consciousness. Course sessions are on Mondays at 4:00pm Pacific.
Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions
You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
Online Community
Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.
The Experience Breathwork Fundamentals for Opening to Higher Consciousness Bonus Offering
The Active Breathwork Home Practice Bundle
Three Audio Meditations With Michael Brian Baker
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Experience Breathwork Fundamentals for Opening to Higher Consciousness
We feel honored that Michael Brian Baker has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the founder and CEO of The Breath Center whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about embarking on a transformative journey and discovering the hidden secrets of pranayama, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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